Thursday 7 August 2014

Preventive vigilance in the rainy day

The days of storms and flooding is time to proliferate so many dangerous pathogens on the skin, gastrointestinal disease, bone and joint diseases and respiratory diseases in both adults and children. Prevention in this moment is very important and necessary.

Diseases of the skin

Unfavorable weather, a lot of people with the basis of skin diseases such as foot fungus, hand fungus, pustules, folliculitis, scabies ... It is due to rainy weather, the possibility of high exposure to flooding, particularly especially dirty water from the drain ... In the rainy day, chances are you suffer from pustules on the skin is also very high and higher than if you're not careful with hygiene. Just on skin scratches bacteria will attack quickly quickly make your skin pustules appear.

Preventive vigilance in the rainy day 1
Those rainy days, people are more prone to skin diseases, respiratory diseases, digestive diseases and osteoarthritis (Artwork)

Besides, there is a type of bacteria called also capable of attacking you in the rainy days. The bacteria usually occurs in the groin, armpit, where stripes on the chest. Very easy to understand, but when going outside in the rain on everyone untimely toilet body, causing water to rain, sweat and bacteria timely appearance.

There is a fairly common disease rainstorms occur when it is scabies. It is caused by a parasite called  Scabies, they penetrate the skin causing skin blisters appear, groove scabies.

Also in humid weather, rain storms, you also have the ability folliculitis infection is very high. When sanitation, contaminated water, go outside in the rain to wash your toilet not careful, you should remember these bacteria will be formed and developed in the hair, the hair in the genital area. Many people are attacking bacteria and appear itchy pustules, skin ulcers ...

To prevent this disease, Dr. Le Quang Loc (Dermatology Doctors Hospital Saint Paul, Hanoi) said, in the days of flooding, the possibility of people suffering from skin diseases accounted for fairly high. You should go breathable shoes, avoid wearing shoes all a long time. By just feet sweaty shoes all sticky rain, your feet are susceptible to fungal diseases. You need to wash your feet regularly, adhere to principles dry.

In this weather, be careful when you work, avoid scratching the skin, while participating in the required personal protective equipment. Patients utmost to avoid scratching causes skin inflammation, skin by now very fragile and sensitive. If scratched, you need to quickly wash the wound with clean water, salt water, if prolonged infection, you should consult your doctor immediately for timely follow-up.

A better way is that you need both hygiene body so clean, careful, avoid contact with flood waters. Where to go on should also wash their hands with antibacterial soap. Children with immature immune systems weaker, this is the parent object should be wrapped and careful hygiene.

Respiratory diseases, digestive

The weather during the rainy season is erratic, light rain in the afternoon sun, the temperature changes rapidly, heavy rain lasted ... which makes difficult the human body adapts to the phenomenon led colds, flu, cold . Expression were headache, cough, runny nose, sore throat ...

Preventive vigilance in the rainy day 2
If your baby has a fever, parents need to reduce fever baby properly as directed by your doctor, the baby in place drafts, avoid smoky environments, ... (Artwork)

Speaking on this issue, Dr. Tien Dung - Head of Pediatrics Bach Mai Hospital, said adults were susceptible children are also more susceptible subjects. In the current weather, parents need utmost attention to the health of children. Give your child nutritious supplements to strengthen immune system naturally. The agro such as vitamin C-rich fruits, meat, fish custard, enough sleep, drink plenty of fluids, mobilizing reasonable. If your child has a runny nose, parents can conduct daily nasal wash your baby.

If your baby has a fever, parents need to baby antipyretic properly as directed by your doctor, the baby in place drafts, avoid smoky environments ...

Rainstorm causes environmental, water contamination around, hereby generating a lot of young adult cases of gastrointestinal disease. It is caused by an imbalance between beneficial and harmful bacteria in the intestinal tract causing infection. Dr. Tien Dung stressed that people in general and children in particular should perform slogan cooked boiled drinking. Limit module module goes back to baby food in the microwave because microwaves nature does not kill 100% of bacteria. Everyone needs good hygiene practice good oral limbs, frequent hand washing with antibacterial soap.

Diseases of bones and joints

Along with skin diseases, respiratory, digestive, bone and joint diseases account for a high percentage of people suffering, especially in older people, with a history of disease. Erratic weather, sometimes hot and sometimes cold, rainy sun suddenly made many musculoskeletal discomfort, cramping muscles in the neck shoulders, waist.

Joint pain as a result of the arthritis, osteoarthritis . The patient feels pain in the joints in hand joints, knee joints, shoulder joints ... not the pain, the joints are swollen, hard campaign, especially in the morning.

Preventive vigilance in the rainy day 3
The patient feels pain in the joints in hand joints, knee joints, shoulder joints ... not the pain, the joints are swollen, hard campaign, especially in the morning. (Artwork)

Middle English doctor, Dean Examination (Supplementary Medicine Hospital) shared the best advice to people to prevent this disease in the rainy day that is to avoid the cold rain outdoors, sports skills training in house.

Regular exercise is considered to be an effective remedy is useful for human health, particularly those with a history of osteoarthritis patients . Besides, everyone needs a full complement of nutrients, have healthy eating habits, calcium supplements, drink plenty of water.

12 principle can not be ignored in body hygiene

Hygiene is essential, but so many people do not know how new is true.2 patients prone otherwise hygiene "private parts" properly 7 key principles of hygiene body Toilet paper and the "culprit" causing vaginal infection

Whether you are regarded as a clean person, but you sure know how to keep their personal hygiene? Many of them, or simply forget to practice good hygiene habits are lazy or to comply with them. In both cases, it can cause harm to the body. Therefore, please refer to the principles of hygiene as shown here.
- Start from  personal hygiene . You brush your teeth twice a day is not? If not, you have to start doing it from today. Mark clean teeth after lunch and dinner is essential because it helps you avoid tooth decay and periodontal disease. Also, during the day you should floss to clean teeth.

- If you are in the habit of people to share combs, brushes, napkins, towels, clothes and even water bottles ... then quit immediately. never shared objects personal with other people because they can cause you to spread germs, bacteria from other people or vice versa infecting them.,5295
- Do you have the habit of washing hands before and after eating, this is very good. however, if every time you use anti-bacterial soap in the belief that will kill bacteria on the hands is a mistake. You should remember that if you use anti-bacterial soap, the excess can kill body cells. This will be detrimental to the body as to make your skin dry and rough due to dehydration.

12 principle can not be ignored in body hygiene 1

- Keep your nails clean is something you should pay attention because under your nails is the ideal haven for bacteria. If you do not clean these bacteria, they will easily penetrate into your body due to frequent hand contact handling food or other items.

- Even if you think you clean, you also need a bath  every day . Whether hot or not, your body is also a certain amount of sweat. The amount of sweat combines with dead skin cells, dirt on the skin if not removed daily will accumulate and cause dermatitis.

12 principle can not be ignored in body hygiene 2

- Wash your face with water every day is the best. Especially, if your skin is oily, it should not be used more and more every time you wash your face soap because it may be causing more oil on the skin. Instead you can use a moisturizer to keep your skin smooth.

- Do not ever forget to replace all daily . There are people who have the habit of going every 2-3 days in a row, which is very harmful for health. It can not only make your legs "stinky" smell that can hardly lead to infection between the toes. Therefore, wash your feet clean and replaced daily basis to always confident with his feet.

-  Wash your hair when dirty or after the first 2-3 days  to remove dandruff and dirt on the scalp. To protect and keep  hair healthy , you should only wash your hair with warm water and not water too hot or too cold.

12 principle can not be ignored in body hygiene 3

- Cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough is the least you can do to protect the environment and the health of those around them. When you sneeze or cough, will certainly have a number of bacteria, germs fly out of your mouth. If you do not cover your mouth, they will quickly diffuse into the air and flew to the other person, endangering their health.

- Wash your hands instead of wiping on the type of paper that you can eat . Use a paper towel to clean just for temporary purposes, then you should rinse with water for most types of paper can not guarantee food safety because they were not fully sterilized.

- After exercising or sweating, rest and take a shower. When you exercise, sweat and oil on your skin can cause pimples arise, cause ringworm, a fungal infection or convergence cocci ... Therefore, the best, let's take a bath or clean the body after exercise.

- Hygiene "private parts" daily to avoid the proliferation of harmful bacteria imbalance and pH environment inside the vagina. This work effective preventive gynecological and avoid the risk of affecting your fertility.

4 lettuce eating healthy

Lettuce is rich in vitamins and minerals from food lettuce can also be beneficial to your health, help digestion, relaxing nerves.7 vegetables are rich in fiber that you should know 8 Mistakes to avoid when preparing and eating vegetables Effects of bark, leaves, seeds and roots of some vegetables

Lettuce or romaine lettuce is used in most salads. This type of vegetables they eat very brittle and chrysanthemums are often eaten raw.
Lettuce mix tofu:

Lettuce 150g, 100g dried bean curd, chili oil 20g, 2g spices. Warm water spray dried tofu, cut into strands soggy wait, hesitate over boiling water, take out and cool. Washed lettuce, julienne, blanched boiling water, take out and cool. For two types of lettuce and tofu on plate, drizzle with chilli oil is. Application: central air and gas interests, net new student apples, kidney peaceful calm.

Dried peeled shrimp lettuce mix:

300g lettuce, pickled, dried, peeled shrimp 60g, 15g sesame oil, spices 6g, 6g vinegar, minced garlic, ginger powder, mustard enough. Julienne lettuce washed for the disc, sprinkle with salt and marinate for a while to drain. Sesame oil, vinegar, mustard, spices, minced garlic, ginger powder spice water. For lettuce on plate, peeled shrimp on top and then sprinkle seasoning mix is. Uses: This dish fresh, frugal, chemical conversation starter, stimulates digestion to increase the appetite, calming sedative.

4 lettuce eating healthy 1
Spicy mixed lettuces interests organs, regulates the blood, the air pressure conditions.
Sesame oil mixed lettuce, peppers:

Lettuce 500g, 30g sesame oil, soy sauce 15g, 3g of salt crystals, sugar vinegar chilli powder a little. Shredded lettuce washed salt mixture marinate for 10 minutes then discard water, add some salt crystals, chilli powder on. North pot on the stove, heat the sesame oil in, the chili powder into the bowl and then the soy sauce, vinegar, a little sugar water air seasoning, sprinkle over lettuce mix is. Uses: Pi conditions appetizer, spread insulation medium welding, calming sedative.

Spicy lettuce mix:

Lettuce 500g, 50g peanuts, dried chilies 3 fruits, peanut oil 20g, 8g of salt crystals. Shredded lettuce washed, the salt in mixing bowl marinate 15 minutes, take out and drain. Chilli remove stem and seeds washed, chopped, sauteed in oil. Info soaked in cold water to hatch, drained, peeled. So crunchy roasted peanut oil in a frying pan. For lettuce in a bowl, for communication to staff, chili oil, salt mix is. Uses: benefit organs, regulates the blood, spleen events draw away.

10 combinations of food is good for health

Here are combining food, very good for health, prevent much that you do not know.7 combining super foods for good health 6 easy food combining cause diarrhea 4 how to combine foods help reduce the risk of adverse health 1. + Rosemary red meat: Minimize carcinogenic heterocyclic amines

When food is fried baked at a temperature of 190 ℃ to 204 ℃, rosmarinic acid and carnosic acid - two antioxidants in rosemary will help reduce Minimum number of heterocyclic amines cause cancer, because antioxidants in rosemary can absorb harmful free radicals in the meat.

So combining this food is good for health. 2. Tomato + Avocado: Prevent cancer and heart disease Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, the carotenoid antioxidants should be able to eliminate free radicals to prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease. Fat in avocados can help carotenoids in tomato operate more efficiently.

10 combinations of food is good for health 1

3. + Cabbage Lemon: Helps absorb iron

Vitamin C helps absorb iron better, which is why experts propose you take a supplement of vitamin C from the orange-colored fruits, leafy green vegetables , strawberries, tomatoes, bell peppers, lemon ... with foods rich in iron , such as broccoli, onion, radish, cabbage, spinach, lettuce, asparagus
 ... 4. Blueberries + Grape Fruit Vietnam: Anti-oxidant, preventing aging Eating fruits bring many health benefits than just eating a fruit. While Vietnam cranberry fruit has a variety of phytochemicals and antioxidants that help your brain healthy grapes contain polyphenols have antioxidant effects, protecting cells and protoplasm in the body against the formation of free radicals. Combine 2 fruits increases can effectively eliminate free radicals, prevent cancer, and cardiovascular beneficial for anti-aging effect. 5.

  Chocolate Apples +: Prevent arteriosclerosis and cancer especially red apples Apples are rich in anti-inflammatory flavonoids quercetin, especially in apple skin. Quercetin can prevent allergies, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, prostate cancer and lung cancer.

 And chocolate, grapes, red wine and tea contains catechins, flavonoids, helping to prevent the risk of arteriosclerosis and cancer. According to numerous studies, this combination can promote cardiovascular health , increased blood clotting ability. Buckwheat, onions and mulberry are also rich in quercetin. 6.
  Oats + orange juice: Stable LDL cholesterol study shows that a vitamin C-rich orange juice and a bowl of weak vessels can help clean arteries and prevent heart disease. Because phenolic compounds in two foods stabilizing effects of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). 7. Eggs + melon:

  Reduce inflammation and diabetes If you eat foods containing carbohydrates in favor of protein will slow down the absorption of carbohydrates, helps glucose and blood sugar drops to a minimum, thereby reducing inflammation, diabetes , cancer and other diseases.

 By reducing the absorption of glucose, the body will naturally you have no signal. eggs are protein-rich foods also contain glucose melon, therefore, a combination of 2 types of foods will be beneficial to health .

Wednesday 6 August 2014

How to gain weight safely with natural foods

Eating, sleeping poorly, not absorb more nutrients from the food you eat every day, digestive diseases such as stomach pain, colitis or overwork or stress often .... the causes and manifestations of poor health, body lean and difficult to balance.
How to gain weight safely with natural foods 1

To improve weight and gaunt appearance entrenched, many people have adopted as how to gain weight fast: eat only focus, rice, oil, protein and fat to increase energy hollow, milk fat, eat more sweets or even many people also use drugs to help increase weight gain from 3-5 kg ​​in just 1 month ....|-is-david-paltrow-scam

Whatever can see the results immediately gain weight as expected but the method most rapid weight gain on short-term consequences are brought to the user, such as an increased risk of gout, diabetes, heart pulse, blood pressure, obesity as body, weight gain due to the volume of water in the cell, memory loss, liver failure, kidney .... So, after a short course of weight gain, many people have sought to resolve the unfortunate consequences of weight gain due to the method gives unsafe.

Therefore, you should always remember that: " In the process of gaining weight, safety factor should always be top priority . "  So how to gain weight safely? First, find out what the specific cause is making you lean.|-is-david-paltrow-scam
Cause you lean and how to fix it:

- Eat less, palatable or not.  Eating a lot but not absorbed.

The fix:  Need to eat more foods rich in fiber, beneficial bacteria, micro-nutrients, vitamins, essential amino acids, antioxidants to help stimulate appetite, improve digestion, absorption food.

- Work stress, prolonged stress, sleepless nights

The fix:  Adjust the mode of living, proper rest. Claim dietary B vitamins and amino acids help relieve the strain on the nervous system, deep sleep, naturally.|-is-david-paltrow-scam

- Ill with stomach, colon, digestive disorders.

The fix:  Treat the disease, while promoting beneficial bacteria, help the digestive system healthy, creating a foundation for the weight gain.

- Health weak, or sick Classified

Ans:  Nutritional supplements for body fully, to strengthen the resistance, regular moderate exercise effort to improve health.

There is a natural foods can help to overcome all the reasons mentioned above, and it is important to help thin people gain weight while improving safety both on health issues such as Spirulina Algae sun.

This is a completely natural plant, contain very high nutritional content: 60-70% nitrogen (nitrogen in high quality algae is made up of 18 of the total 20 axitamin, including 8 axitamin body can not be synthesized), full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants ... Sprirulina Sun Tao is a perfect food for the safety of your weight gain because:

Helps the body absorb maximum nutrition from the food you eat every day due to the effect of the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and fiber in seaweed enhances beneficial bacteria in the intestinal system, which helps the digestive system works better.

Providing over 100 essential nutrients, perfectly natural, the body can absorb more than 90% after 2 hours. Thus, there is good support for thin people eat less, your body lacks nutrients.

Bringing deep sleep, naturally, reduce feelings of tension, fatigue, work stress caused by the effects of the vitamin B group (B1 - B12) and 2 axitamin is Tryptophan, Phenylalanine.

Get more energy, enhance resistance by the natural antioxidant content such as: Phycocyanin, Chlorophyll, Beta - Carotene, Polysaccarid ... purify, detoxify the body.  In addition, Spirulina is a lot of large organizations, prestige and world recognition using:|-is-david-paltrow-scam/

"According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Spirulina is an ideal food, for various reasons: rich in iron, protein and absolutely safe for children. Currently, the WHO considered Spirulina is an ideal food "(Geneva, Switzerland, 08.06.1993).

IIMSAM Organization (of the UN) have used Spirulina helps more than 2 million children and old people in the developing countries agreed from malnutrition diseases (source: )

Solar Algae Spirulina is produced by the company Earthirise Nutritionals, LLC, is the company's largest production of Spirulina in the world. Spirulina Production company's annual accounts for half of world production of algae. Tao Sun is produced following the most stringent regulations in the pharmaceutical, food and American International organizations such as affirmed GRAS, GMP, KOSHER, HACCP, ISO 9001:2008 ...|-is-david-paltrow-scam

Thin people use one course to gain weight with natural sun Algae , Algae Plus Sun Gold  and Sun Purification green algae  in 3.5 months, combined with diet exercise and proper rest, will certainly Safe weight gain, and improve overall health and certainly a sustainable way possible.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Soup veloute with "grass folk"

1 pound mixed greens found in popular market: radishes, Myron kafkalithres, poppies, spinach chard ...
5-6 tbsp olive oil
1 large potato peeled and diced
1 green apple peeled and cut into cubes
1 liter of water
1 bunch herbs knorr
1 pinch ground allspice
Salt and pepper
zest of 1 lemon
100 gr. yoghurt
4 large nuts oil


Peel and wash the vegetables and cut them in half. In a saucepan, heat the olive oil and sauté the greens. Season with salt and pepper and allspice. Add the diced potatoes and diced apple. Stir with a wooden spoon and add the water and the bouquet of herbs. Let the greens cook for 15-30 minutes. We check the seasoning and remove from heat. Puree in blender. In a bowl unite yogurt lemon zest salt and pepper. To serve put on each plate by a nut oil and pour over the hot soup. In each dish and put a spoonful of the mixture with the yogurt.

Spaghetti ala poutaneska Dina Nikolaou

350 gr. spaghetti

450 gr. tomatoes with their juice canned

1 tsp tomato paste

4-5 tbsp olive oil

4.3 shallot or onion

Two dust. Garlic chopped

10 anchovy fillets

2 tbsp capers xarmyrismeni

½ cup. black olives, chopped

1 cup. fresh chopped parsley

1 cup. sundried tomatoes

Salt, pepper, parmesan


Boil the spaghetti in a large amount of salted water. saute in olive oil in a deep frying pan with onions garlic. Add the tomatoes with juice, anchovy fillets and capers. and put the tomato paste and 1-2 cups of water to boil the spaghetti. Add salt and pepper, add the olives, sun-dried tomatoes. 5-6 minutes to let the sauce and add the spaghetti in the pan. Sprinkle with parsley and freshly grated parmesan cheese and serve.

For beer and varieties in "the blue" in New Philadelphia

We believe that beer will make the world better» («We believe that beer will make the world better"). thus welcomes us to the realm of beer, with a small sign at the entrance of 'the blue', John and Michael, the owner of this very special place in Filadelfia, 2006.

Extremely unique space, which is curated by art Sofi Karter, enchants us with the first look. The inner hall is all hand-painted. The walls, tables and frames with branches, flowers and Greek touches. Impressive wooden furniture of various artistic styles, magnificent tables, colorful glass fixtures. We can sit loosely in the bar and stools around or choose a table to our liking. Gentle music accompanies beer and a chat at our restaurant ... For those who want to raise speed and mood, the space bar is ideal for Party and bar-Tissue atmosphere!

So in this particular pub ¨ ¨ await us 70 different beers of which 8 cask, the owners chose a lot of thought. Eating is not only, as we expect a Bavarian pub, but there are many classic Greek flavors that accompany beer our.

We choose a variety of meat, the perfect dish for a cold Warstainer or Paulaner, varieties of cheese, pasta and shank and T-Bone and amazing salads, and a separate beef bourguignon with cinnamon and cumin in tomato sauce laced with anthotyro.Afiste little space for dessert. Chocolate Souffle or apple pie with ice cream.

All meals and desserts made with care from high quality raw materials will inspire you and are sure you will go back many times.

For food ... "In the House"!

Descend under the bridge in Irons Halandriou and turn left at the traffic light in Kapodostriou. We find in our right hand, about 700 meters from the Boulevard Ave. The car will take the responsibility. 's atmosphere

From the entrance you realize that this is the ultimate summary of modern architecture, which wants restaurants to resemble stylish apartments in New York or Copenhagen. Many "non artistic" charming details such as dishes stacked on the shelves of the library. Open kitchen, tall benches and stools, low tables and chairs, deep garden and a hubbub in the atmosphere, which became more tolerable when he lowered a little music. The venting at optimal levels, breathing and comfortable clothes do not smell. Signs architecture group Sotovikis, who we had met in Italy "IL bucco» oldest, Psyrri.  Food

The menu changes every day, with some popular dishes stay stable. In our visit, Friday evening, we ordered an arugula salad with pine nuts and cherry tomatoes, a margarita pizza dough as thin as cardboard and watercolor measured, delicious tomato sauce. The burger purely kreatenio of good meat, somewhat dried in baking, it took extra ketchup to balance. The potatoes that came with it is rather hit, cut as small sticks, well fried. I was very pleased when we saw that came and the Taliban, a pink, tender piece of veal, baked posh or spice did not need to add. I think it was the best dish of the evening. The risotto with walnuts arrived last and battening with some failures, but what to do, these things happen. The desserts are very interesting, we liked the classic patchwork and yoghurt mousse with sweet beetroot in glass, each spoonful divided exactly in half - sour and sweet, as we say yin and yang. account

From 18 to 25 euros per person, without wine.  cellar

Two options in glass, Greek and foreign wines at a good price, and several cocktails. Additional

Krouasanopita salty Dina Nikolaou

Preparation time: 1 hour Cooking time-45 minutes

For the dough:

500 gr. Flour, all-purpose sifted - ½ cup. Milk - ¼ cup. butter or margarine into small cubes - ½ cup yogurt - 25 g. fresh yeast - Gl 1 teaspoon salt - 1 teaspoon n. Sugar

Ingredients for the filling:

200g. slice - 200 g. cream cheese - ½ cup. chopped fresh mint.

For the coating:

2 egg whites - a little black sesame


In a bowl add the flour and make a lakouvitsa in the middle where we put the yogurt, butter or margarine, sugar, salt. Dissolve yeast in warm water and added to the materials. We begin to knead and just get an elastic dough, gather in the little ball and split again into 3 balls. Cover the balls. We take the first ball, flour a surface and roll out with a rolling pin into a round sheet diameter 24-26 cm The round sheet cut into triangles (like pizza). They go six triangles. Place the wide part of each triangle bit stuffing, fold inward on the edges and begin to wrap, allowing the shape of the croissant. With a brush to pass with little water. Similarly continue and second ball of dough. On the third ball of the opening round sheet but does not cut into triangles, leaving it whole and fill them with the mixture and make it swivel. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.

In a pan lay a baking sheet. In the center of the pan, place the swivel and then one by one Croissants that a tip will touches the pan and the other for the swivel. Brush the pie with egg and sprinkle the center - the swivel with mafrokouki. Bake in the oven for 40-45 minutes.

The PINELIKIA '... for seafood in Thessaloniki!

Five steps from the sea, in Karampournaki, a beautiful and newly renovated space are "The PINELIKIA." Since 1995 welcome you with love, continuing the family tradition which began in 1976 , when Christodoulos Raptopoulos created the famous restaurant "Ninos".

All these years in the restaurant carefully choose appropriate materials and those recipes that will satisfy you and make regular visitors.

In "PINELIKIA" you can combine ouzo or raki with crab salad, grilled mackerel with oregano, feta cheese fried with honey and sesame seeds, steamed mussels, sardines 'married' grilled anchovies or fried mullet. Also, you can enjoy special dishes such melitzanompourekakia with octopus and feta, moussaka with shrimp and crawfish and of course fresh fish of the day with option for baking salt crust.

If you have an appetite for meat you can choose among a wide variety of meats of time hanging out with wine or retsina.

Finally, a visit enough to be convinced that "PINELIKIA" are the ideal choice for business lunches and receptions tailored to your preferences and always with the best value for money.

The lemon tree of New Philadelphia!

In Philadelphia in an old mansion in 1930, Michael, John and his wife Sofi, year and a half, they created a beautiful space with taste and artistic flair. A place that grows in delightfully different rooms of the mansion , maintaining each style and personality. All bear the stamp of their own work and detail their care.

The old fountain was a fireplace that dominates, with the golden chimney to the right of the entry space . All transformed with taste. Car painted by Sofi, even the columns in the center of the lobby. Our eyes are trapped by the stained glass windows, the carved chairs era, wooden tables, mirrors with blooming borders, the wooden floor. The combination of stone and wood walls, blown lights create a magical color space and impressions. And the garden with trees, flowers and cobbled streets completes the unique atmosphere of the place. The soft lounge music fitting in our travels.

For our valued customers chef Mr. Minos Konidis has curated menu . The traditional Greek cuisine with modern touches here finds its position. With materials of choice will find dishes that you will want to first ask xanadokimasete.Gia 'cheese bites "sheet with rakomelo and mafrokouki," Cuttlefish "crispy with their ink, "Pancetta Pork" with mashed chickpeas and vegetables . It will refresh you a salad with arugula, capers and roasted ntomata.Gia mainly a 'Pork egg-lemon "or a" Lamb hull "will remind you of the Sunday scents from the kitchen of the family home. Try and 'Pork frame "with grilled vegetables and retsina syrup or a" Cockerel stuffed "with Greek cheese, ham and arugula. You will delight in "Chicken Christina" with peppers , olives and feta.Kai fan of the fish will not complain. Awaits them, for example, 'Seabass fillet "with sautéed spinach, potatoes in butter sauce Louisa. And pastes ask the "Swivel Ragu" with vegetables , and the famous "Kritharoto" with fresh ntomatoula and eggplant. The wine you choose from a rich collection of 50 Greek, mainly labels. For dessert, ask for a hand "Lemon pie" sheet with ice cream, but a different "Tyramisou."

In this romantic and special place to enjoy your lunch, a romantic dinner, a business meeting, your event or your reception . The venue has a large area for smokers.

Mushrooms with cream mayonnaise

250 gr. Whole mushrooms
    180 ml Hellmann's Real Mayonnaise
    1 clove garlic, chopped
    1/2 tsp. tablespoons chopped parsley
    150 ml fresh milk 3.5% fat
    1 tsp. tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese or grated
    2 tsp. tablespoons extra virgin olive oil    Salt and pepper


Sauté mushrooms with garlic in a vegetable basket with olive oil and karykepste them with salt and pepper. Then pour into a preheated small ceramic dish with mayonnaise, grated cheese, milk and mix well. Bake in moderate direct temperature at 170 - 190 ° C for 10-12 minutes. Then, cut the mushrooms into thin slices. Dusted with chopped parsley and serve.

Food on 'Rififi'

Neotaverna with an artistic mood and delicious appetizers in Eksarxia.

The position angle Store, Valtetsiou and Benaki pulsating heart of Exarcheion.

The atmosphere: The Painter, skertsoza and an artistic neotaverna often hosted significant exhibitions by young artists. When the weather opens, the tables on the sidewalk and multiply await those who enjoy fasarioziki roar of the restless crowd of bystanders and patrons of the nearby shops. Inside, the bright hall with peanut hue is divided into two levels with a loft, and in the background is the kitchen with open doors and windows.

Food: Generally the cook has his best. We got a delicious salad, mushroom burgers, eggplant rolls, kataifi cheese for starters. The latter was a very pleasant surprise and I recommend it. The fries are great. In mainly have several choices in seafood and meat. Very well made ​​and the risotto, clean flavor with a sweet playfulness of black currants contain. Certainly ekmek for dessert.

Account: About 18 euros per person.

The wine: Wine bulk or bottled at good prices.

Spicy wings with dressing blue cheese

In a large bowl mix the components of the spread. Add the wings and mix well with the spread. Cover the mixture and refrigerate for 1 hour. In a heavy saucepan with a long handle, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the garlic and stir until you send the aroma, for 1 minute. Add the vinegar and Tabasco sause and simmer for 1 minute. Add salt and pepper. Transfer to a large glass or metal bowl. In a medium bowl, pour the ingredients of dressing.

Cover and store in refrigerator until ready to serve. Prepare the grill for direct and indirect cooking over medium-high heat (about 230 ° C). Clean the grill with the brush. Remove the wings from the bowl and remove most of the spread. Bake wings in direct medium-high heat until display signs of grilled meat on, for about 4 minutes, turning the once. Move the wings to indirect medium-high heat and continue grilling until the meat is no longer pink near the bone and the skin until crispy (about 15 minutes, turning occasionally). Keep the lid closed as much as possible during firing.

Transfer the wings to the bowl of the spicy sauce and turn them to cover with sauce everywhere. Put the wings on the grill and cook directly in direct medium-high heat for a further 3-5 minutes, turning once or twice. Remove from the grill and serve with the dressing blue cheese.

Cool Ceasar's salad with grilled chicken and bacon

 1 small tender iceberg lettuce
    250 gr. chicken fillet opened in the middle and lightly beaten
    150g. baby spinach
    150g. boiled or roasted corn
    150g. bacon
    1 pita souvlaki
    100 gr. petals parmesan
    200g. Hellmann's Caesar's Salad Dressing


Bake chicken in direct fire, grill temperature at 175-230 ° C for 12-14 minutes. Rodiste bacon and pie while up the grill. Chondrokopste lettuce and mix with the spinach in a bowl and add the corn. Cut then grilled chicken, bacon and pie into small cubes and pour into the bowl with the chopped lettuce and spinach. Enter the quantity Hellmann's Caesar's Salad Dressing desired and sprinkle with Parmesan petals. Mix the salad and serve slightly by adding more if you want some more Hellmann's Caesar's Salad Dressing and Parmesan few more petals.

Meltemi: A trendy restaurant in Alepochori

Even if you're back from vacation, small excursions outside of Athens is the best to prolong the summer.

This item: The Meltemi is located on the promenade in Alepochoriou. Specifically on the avenue Gerania renamed boulevard Alkyonidon. Coming from Athens, just enter the village and reach the junction for Straw (down the road), turn left and continue along the coast before finding the store on your left hand.

The atmosphere: Of all the tavernas we saw on the route, the Meltemi is the most manicured. The inner room is dressed in white with decorative details from branches and tree trunks. However, it can sit on the terrace to enjoy endless sea as you eat. Even at noon, that we visited, it was cool and shady.

The food: "There is the classic seaside tavern" said the friend who suggested it to us and he was right. It may at first glance at the eye fell on rolls of smoked salmon with cream cheese, rocket salad and parmesan-like touches but the food was more than fair. We started with squash, well fried and rich spices with fresh giaourtosaltsa, french fries, grilled halloumi with grilled vegetables and a salad with caper leaves and nuts. All well presented and delicious. For main we got the tenderloin with limoncello sauce, caramelized nice and quite hearty in size and juicy and nicely cooked grilled tenderloin - both dishes came accompaniment for rice and French fries. After we finished eating, rest and we headed back.

PS. If one considers that the last time the Straw (10 'away) paralathassia the tavern we visited was unacceptable so our expectations were not very high were very satisfied.
Account: 17 to 20 euros per person, with wine.

The wine: There are several options for bottled wine (white, red and rose) 10 to 24 euros a bottle. You'll find the bulk wine 4.80 euro / kg; tasted slightly sweetish and quite a nice white. Still, some beers and soft drinks.

Additional Information:   The toilets are very clean and worth a special mention on the wall taps to enter.

Opening hours: from 11 am until late in the evening. The winter Meltemi operates only on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

Pizza barbecue!

In a medium bowl mix the yeast and sugar with water. Stir once and let the mixture stand for 10 minutes. Add the flour, oil and salt. Mix well. Transfer to a lightly floured work surface and knead until smooth, about 4-6 minutes. Roll out a large ball and place in a bowl. Cover the bowl with a tea towel and leave in a warm place until the dough doubles in size, about 1-1 ½ hours.

Prepare the grill for direct cooking over medium heat with the grill temperature to 175-230 ° C. Put the ceramic surface to pizza to warm up for at least 10 minutes. Transfer the dough to a lightly floured work surface and open it. Place the dough with the help of a piece of greaseproof paper on the hot plate. Bake the dough with the lid closed, as far as possible, 2-3 minutes. Take the Hellmann's BBQ Sauce and spread it across the surface of the dough. Then pour the grated cheese mixture, bacon, roast the chicken cubes, onion and bake for 10 minutes.

Apocalypsis: A fashionable seaside restaurant in Patmos

A modern beachfront restaurant in Patmos offers a tasty trip to Greece , with vehicle wide variety of traditional products used.

The position: Operates in the hotel «Patmos Aktis», which is situated in the beautiful bay of Groikou on the east side of Patmos. Essentially, the breakfast room at night transforms into a magnificent restaurant.

The atmosphere: Everything expected of an island restaurant located on the beach and bathed every night by moonlight. The world? Couples in love exchanging vows, travelers from around the world who enjoy the magnificent views, famous Greek star who seek privacy and locals take the opportunity to try a more elaborate cuisine.

The food: The kitchen diafentefsei the thirty-chef Dimitris Pamporis, with significant experience in hotel catering. Menu dominated by Hellenism: the dishes will encounter products of the islands (NIOTI cheese, krasotiri from Kos), but also from the mainland (truffle Grevena). We started with drawing pie Mani, which was crab apple garnish different textures (puree, caramelized), and continued with a terrine, a cold appetizer with grilled zucchini, marinated anchovies and tomatoes confit. The Santorini fava who came "extinguished" the saltiness of the anchovy and made ​​the dish even more 'complete'. Very delicious was the alternative version of the peasant salad, which contained five different types of tomatoes (!), Mixed with kytherian nuts, spring onion and caper leaves Tinos. Although the portions were very hearty, the imaginary trip to Greece was not to stop in the middle. For main, therefore, ordered sauce Veal cheeks seabream and seabass with garlic sauce of beets and citrus vinaigrette. Both dishes were interesting and tasty, but the effort the chef to present something innovative load them with an obvious exaggeration. For example, the first dish of mashed beans tomato sauce was rather odd - risotto with gruyere suffice. In contrast, the effort to impress dessert caught site. The semifreddo from semolina halva and fresh orange really stunned us with its graceful tastiness.

Account:   From 35 euros / person with a glass of wine.

The cellar: has been carefully balanced in Greek vineyard, which includes unusual and scarce options like property Hadjiemmanuil from nearby Kos. Indeed, the majority of bottled offered by the glass. Alternatively, there is a fairly good selection of ouzo or raki.

Additional Information: All breads are handmade and delicious, like it or garlic bread with porcini mushrooms. Note, species changing day by day. If you get bread with anise, order it anyway. The welcome is hearty, delicious and makes your mood. In principle, therefore, lands on your table a smoky pea soup in a small jar, accompanied by a raw crayfish which is baked on a hot stone. And the treat at the end is indicative of lavish hospitality. Select without afterthought sweet wine "Third Generation" of Hadjiemmanuil. Hours: 19.30-00.30, April 26-October 20.

Groikos, Patmos, tel: 22470 32 800 (reception connects you to the restaurant).

Skewer of shrimp with spicy aromatic dip coctail

6 large peeled prawns (keep head and tail)
2 small cloves of garlic crushed
1/2 tsp. Fresh hot or sweet paprika
3 tsp. tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
2 tsp. lemon juice
Analogous pepper and salt
1 package Hellmann's Cocktail Sauce
2 shots ouzo
Little chopped coriander
Peel the shrimp and keep head and tail, removing the whiskers. With the help of a knife carve their back slightly and a toothpick remove the enterakia them. In a bowl place the shrimp with ouzo, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic and paprika and marinate for 15 minutes.

Bake the shrimp in direct fire, grill temperature at 230-270 ° C for 2-4 minutes. When ready, place the shrimp on a platter with chopped coriander, drizzle lightly over them the Hellmann's Cocktail Sauce and serve immediately.